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Cat-Proof Furnishing Ideas

Do you have a lovely little furry monster destroying your home? Here are some cat-friendly suggestions to help keep your furniture beautiful!

Not every cat is a destroyer. Unfortunately, Miyagi is. Over the past two years more than 10 upholstered chairs have been victims of her daily clawing ritual. Chairs are her favourite, but she also loves the sofa. I’m pretty sure she is not the only cat who uses home furniture as a scratch post. Right? From a cat’s perspective, what’s not to love? Tall enough for that morning stretch and sturdy enough to sharpen some claws. Those manicure stations are open for business 24/7.

Let’s take a look at our poor dining chairs that fell prey to the wrath of Miyagi.

Keep it Solid.

Obviously, fabric is the real target. Eventually our upholstered chairs have been replaced by hard surface chairs – which are incredibly comfortable as well. Ever since their arrival, Miyagi has shown zero interest in them as her target. And guess what? She started to use her actual scratch post (right next to the chairs).

These amazing chairs are surprisingly comfortable and very easy to maintain. The style and price were also just right! You can check them out here.

Below is a collection of different chairs that should work well against cat claws while bringing some fresh style to your space.

Here is another example of when cute turns to monster...

Miyagi loves fully exposed upholstery. Cats gravitate to fabric they can easily dig their nails into. Fabrics such as velvet or similar thick or tightly woven materials seem to be the best choices for cat owners. And remember that many cats have a special love for that beautiful leather.

Still want fabric or leather? You can choose upholstered chairs that don’t leave all their fabric exposed within easy reach of those little claws. Some accent chairs even come with their own armor! Take a look at the collection below.

On the subject of velvet, our home is currently awaiting the delivery of our new velvet-like couch. It was a custom order from Hudson’s Bay, so there has been a wait, but once it arrives the true test will begin! I will keep you posted.

Most sofas are fully upholstered, but there is a bit of a style trend happening around the box sofa. They can come with a big price tag but are quite exquisite. Super modern with a minimalist vibe! And that beautiful box will help keep your cat's claws out of the upholstery.

There are so many beautiful couches in the world, and, hopefully, with these cat-friendly ideas in mind, you will be ready when it comes time to select your next addition to your living space.

If buying new furniture isn’t an option, there are other things you can do. Some stores offer scratching post alternatives that can be added right on top of your current sofa. These add-ons might just be the thing for you!

Keep The Cute, Resolve The Destruction!

As you upgrade your furniture (or not), here are three things you can do to ensure your lovely friends show mercy to your furniture. I really wish I had learned all of this earlier...

  1. Spray bottle training. Any simple spray bottle (we bought ours from a local dollar shop) filled with water is all you need. I’m not sure if the colour of the bottle matters, but ours is bright orange which may help create more terrifying experience. The method is simple. When your cat starts to scratch the furniture, one spray of mist and your cat will tend to flee. It might take a while (a few weeks), but this training method worked for us and saved a brand-new office chair!

  2. Set up multiple scratch posts throughout your home. Have at least one scratch post available in every single room, ideally near the upholstered furniture you love. Make sure to compliment and reward your cat every time it uses its posts.

  3. Manicure for your kitty! Trimming your cat's nails regularly is a great way to keep both your cat and furniture looking fancy. Ideally, trim those claws at least once every other week!

Don’t forget – training your cat is not just good for your furniture, it is also a great way to learn more about your little friend’s personality. Don’t miss out!

Cats bring so much joy to many households. Learning to adapt to your cat’s tendencies is the key to maintaining a healthy bond – and keeping your furniture in one piece. I wish you happy cat training and furniture shopping!

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